Welcome to the Fortune project!

The Fortune program is quite a simple program designed to display amusing random messages. Originally it was built for Linux, but I have ported it and now it has versions for Dos, Windows, Linux (again) and Java in grafical user interface (gui)

The program was built from scratch by me, Mad_Ady, in an effort to lean how to program in C, and later C++, and still later C+++QT and finally in Java. I have used the original text database from the Linux version, so I can't take any credit for the text messages.

In the future, if there is time, I'd like to extend the functionality of the Java version to add the posibility to get a random fortune form the Internet. The other versions are discontinued as of now, but still available for download.

While you visit this site you can download the program, read more info about it, read the release notes or the Frequently Asked Questions, or you can see screenshots from the program.

If you would like to find out more about Mad_Ady, you can visit http://go.to/mad_ady. You can also see a little demonstration if you choose Fortune from the main menu. :)

(c) Mad_Ady 2001-2006 | http://go.to/mad_ady | mad_ady@yahoo.com

Last modified on Mar 29th, 2006.

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